My need to write!

I renewed my blog of what once a place of expressing my pain, sorrow and a spark of happiness to a place I'll write what ever i want. Maybe a diary anecdote, or my thoughts in some issues, or my fairy tales and fanfics that i longed to be the reality for me, or the same thing i did years back, where i just blurt out and express my "pain" and "sorrow". it depends. i'm having my long break after finishing my foundation and sometimes i felt a hole or and emptiness inside. it took weeks to realize that i miss my writing days, where i express everything here and don't give a shit on what people would think of my thoughts. i just want to feel free and "be naked" *NOT LITERALLY* with what i want to write. i miss the sound of the clickety clacks from the keyboard, the hours of me talking to myself in my mind and the ideas i've kept inside. i need to express IT ALL! well, that's kinda dramatic tho talking to myself like that, but who cares, as long as i'm pleased with myself and my writings. well, this entry might not be grand and inspiring *or any of my entries later would ever be inspiring or grand* but this is my start. the need to write, here i come!

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